Friday, September 14, 2012

Dark Days & a Dark Horse

   I have always had fun doodling and drawing horses and for a short while when I was younger I became quite serious at it. However, after taking Advanced Art in 8th grade I lost complete interest when my unpleasent teacher took all of the creativity and whimsical imagination out of my drawing and reduced it to rulers and porportions. I did learn a lot and understood what she was teaching but for me it took out the more complex comprehension of what is art. That comprehension was drawing from the soul. Bringing to a blank piece of paper your true passions, imagination, and inguenity that no one else but you behold.
   So for years and years I sat and watched my Dad's artistic abilities advance and go above and beyond anything I could ever imagine that he could do and wished that I was there right a long with him. However everytime I tried to sit and even doodle, that magic that was once there, was lost. So I left it alone and decided that if it ever did decide to creep back up inside me, I would know, and I would not force it upon myself the way my teacher forced it upon me back in 8th grade.
   So now, almost 10 years later after so many dark days of no art, it hit me like a hurricane to pick up a paintbrush and let it flow. Painting is something I have never really done before because I had always thought it to be too hard. So I was a little confused as to my sudden ambition, but I went with it, and hear is my first painting I have ever done on canvas. I call it "Dark Horse" and am thoroughly pleased to know that I still have that yearning to express myself artistically through more than just words. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did creating it.

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